Useful links
What can be helpful for me as a student?
- FAUdir
Contact information of all employees of the university - Campo
Information on modules, courses, exams and formalities - StudOn
FAU´s central learning platform: material for lectures and seminars - The FSI Forum
Students forum of the FSI Medical Engineering - Student administration/Studierendenwerk (partly in German)
Housing, BAföG, cafeteria, counseling services - VGN
Public transport in the Erlangen-Nuremberg area - Deutsche Bahn
German Railway - Info on German Health Insurance
Information provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - Instagram channel of our Medical Engineering program
News, events and tips regarding our study program - FAU youtube channel
What’s in the surroundings of the FAU?
- Info platform “Make it in Germany”
- Website of the German Job Agency
- FAU Career Service
- SIEMENS Healthineers
- Bayerisches Laserzentrum
- tVNS Health GmbH
- Corscience
- HumanOptics
- Alcon Wavelight
- Peter Brehm GmbH
- Astrum IT
- softgate
- E&L
- Dr. Hein & Partner GbR
- adidas
- Tomey GmbH
- medigration GmbH
- 18medical
- PAUSCH Medical GmbH
- Karl Lettenbauer (chir. Instrumente)
- GmbH
- FUJIFILM medwork GmbH
- Erlanger Stadtwerke AG
- Health Hackers Erlangen
- Medical Valley EMN e.V.
- Medical Valley Center
- IGZ – Innovations- u. Gründerzentrum (in German)
- WTT – Wiss.-Technol.-Transferstelle (in German)
- Innovationsnetzwerk Gesundheit (formerly Forum MedTech Pharma) (in German)
- Cluster Medizintechnik Bayern (in German)
- DGBMT – Dt. Ges. für Biomed. Technik
- DGIM – Dt. Ges. für Innere Medizin (in German)
- BMWi Kompetenzinitiative Medizintechnik (in German)
- Digital Ecosystems
- Zollhof Tech Incubator
- FAU Digital Tech Academy
- Innovation Lab for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing
- Digital Health Innovation Platform
- EIT Health
- Collaborative Research Center EmpkinS (funded by the German Research Foundation)