Medical Engineering in Germany’s Medical Valley
Why study Medical Engineering in Erlangen? We are where MedTech thrives!

The constant progress in medicine pushes medical engineers to search for innovative developments and improved processes. Experts in the field develop, improve, supervise and maintain medical devices and services for businesses and the health industry, e.g. innovative x-ray systems, radiotherapy units, ultrasound systems, surgical robots, CT or MRI scanners or health applications for patients’ smart phones. These devices help in providing fast accurate diagnoses and accelerated healing processes and in effectively supporting physicians in their work. Other tasks of medical engineers include technical service, as well as the training and supervision of personnel in handling medical devices. In the business sector, medical engineers can also be active in sales and distribution, service, product management, marketing and quality assurance of medical devices. All these sectors are represented in the Erlangen region, also known as the Medical Valley of Germany.
One cannot discuss growth dynamics without mentioning clustering. With Siemens Healthineers and the university FAU, Erlangen excels as a cluster for Medical Engineering. In no other region you can find a higher density of medical engineering expertise as in the 110.000 population city of Erlangen in the heart of the Medical Valley. Almost one in four employees earn their living in the field of Medical Engineering and Health.
The immediate proximity of excellent scientific force and the mixture of traditional and young innovative businesses prompts an excellent work environment for dynamic developments. The Franconian Huguenot city has now developed into one of the first-class regions in Europe thanks to the second largest alma mater in Bavaria whose School of Medicine is one of the most renowned in Germany, to the over 100 medium-sized businesses focusing on medical research and to the production and services of the global player Siemens Healthineers. It is a unique opportunity in Bavaria to have a close cooperation of the School of Engineering and Sciences. The new Nikolaus-Fiebiger center for cutting-edge research in the interdisciplinary area of biology and medicine is a great example. Scientists and medical researcher work closely together.
The data concerning healthcare in Erlangen is impressive: 25 clinical departments and the hospitals “Klinikum am Europakanal” and “Waldkrankenhaus St. Marien” not only make up for 2800 beds but also have garnered an excellent reputation in their region and beyond. According to peer review, Erlangen is the undisputed global leader in the area of neurosurgery thanks to their unique interdisciplinary neurological center in which experts of the four university clinics for neurosurgery, neurology, ophthalmology and psychiatry work closely together and apply state-of-the-art technology. Maintaining and improving the high standard in quality is a high priority for Erlangen and the Bavarian government who provides large funds for research and clinical facilities.

This unique scientific and corporate portfolio endorses Erlangen as an excellent location for ambitious research and successful product innovations. The city of Erlangen is a mediator who develops the structures for a close cooperation between business and sciences, provides networking and establishes forums to foster the existing cooperation and guarantee an even more successful future. For this matter local authorities initiate and support cooperation projects like the initiative “Medizin-Pharma-Gesundheit“ that establishes contacts between businesses, research facilities and clinics in the region and promotes the exchange of competence. Connecting the different participants of the Health industry provides optimal conditions for new start-up companies, for example the founding of the venture capital company for medical entrepreneurs. In cooperation with the Office for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, a highly creative work environment with an extremely dense communication network has developed in Erlangen.This becomes apparent in the recent founding or settling of 60 new start-up companies, including award winning businesses, like November AG, WaveLight or HumanOptics.
Erlangen is home of the Bavarian Laser Center, two Fraunhofer institutes and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light . Another important milestone of Erlangen’s journey to become the world capital of Medicine has been the foundation of the Medical Valley Center (MVC) in 2011. The 12.5 million euro construction in the center of the city is a sign of determination and drive to further distinguish Erlangen as an optimal location for medicine and emerge to the top in European ranking. This position is further strengthened since the inauguration of the Max Planck Center for Physics and Medicine in September 2024. On July 13 2023, the cornestone of the Center for Immunotherapy, Biophysics & Digital Medicine (CITABLE), the new research building of the German Center for Immunotherapy (DZI) was laid, which will be finished by the end of 2025. In this facility, scientists from immunotherapy, biophysics and digital medicine will collaborate closely across the disciplines, enabling a scientific network that is unique in Germany.
In order to present comprehensive information about our innovation and research projects in the medtech field, we have compiled our MedTech Map. It contains information about our experts and activities in Digital Health, Sensors & Robotics, Medical Processes, Imaging, Biomaterials and MedTech in Society.